Saturday 2 June 2012

bubyee PASUM :')'s me again !
first of all nak mntak maap sgt kat acha .murni sb x sempat nk bergambar ngn korunk..tuu laa aktif sgt masok persembahan enn ?
neway..kenape la bile last minute baru aku discover yg pembantu pelajar(pp) sumenye sporting !
menyesal gile byk escape aktiviti..
malam MHS mmg terbaek..:)
menari xi shua shua mmuaah bunkface0through my window and sub(wika wika , ape lagi eh . sore loser .. )
malam tuu pp menari mambo number5 ..:DD excited gile !
huhuuu..newayy..cnee la agaknyaa my ex rummate kan ? bahijahh..
sori terpaksa berundur diri dr um..beranikan diri taww :)
seronok taw rummate ngn bahijah..
smayang lebeyh.haha..cthnya maghrib 6 rokaat !
punye la x khusyu..
bahijah termasok dalam telekung akuu hahaha XD
ape g gelak cm org sawan je..
dah la kitorunk slalu lambat..
ade skalik tuu lmbt g riadah pagik..langs0ng x mandi..
perasan kat paras tuu..kitorunk laa plg lambat muehehehe !
ade ceramah motivasi..
drpd dr azizan..:)
bangga gila kot dia dak jenan ! haha :DD

paling suka prinsip pp iaituu

these are few pics :DD


M for mara:DD

hey it's me:)
lmenye xupdate blog nii.
sebenanya dah bernazar..
law dapat mara..
nak mengupdate blog bout the interview and my experiences:D

behold peeps.
refreshing my brain:)

sori guys but my esei is in my mom's lp..
so i can't copy and paste em in my blog.maybe next other tyme? :D

aku interview kat malas nak pegi selangor.btw,my mom love sgt makan line clear.huhu.beralah la:)
kitorunk bermalam kat penang.mujurlah dpt interviu hari sabtuu so xde la my folks kena amik cuti because of me ryte ? :)
then,i arrived at 8.oo am the interviu starts on 9 .oo am.
that means aku smpai one hour earlier.sori adik kena bgun awai hehe:)

hmmm *garu kepala*
dari mana nak start citer eh.



i thought that dorunk nak tnye soalan like....
ape beza jpa and mara?
why should U be chosen?
what's ur ability?

blahh..blahh.. *borink* :P

credits and votes of thanks to my member NADIAH ISHAK yg share experience dia..she says that i've just got to be myself:)
and on that day,,

i'm being myself(:

oke.s0 i'm in panel 1.
ade enam org out of lapan org:)
dua org tak hadir...
dalam group inilah aku berkenalan dgn ida sahira..nani and nash:)

masok2 senyum :)
pas tuu tangan ni kan awat la gatai sgt nak tarik kerusi..
seb baik tak terus duduk...
*pfft...jgn nervez putri.U can do this.i'ts so easy babe :)*
jenuhh nak comfort diri..
so kitowunk duduk lam satu bilik..
bertentengan dng boys..
3 org interviewer di tgh.dua perempuan satu lelaki...
huhuu..*alamak encemm plak..huhhuuu*
so marks untuk eye contact haruslah tinggi bukan ?

so we were given a case...that sounds like this..

u have graduated from university of michigan and u have rm 1oo 000 to invest a business.
u and yur friends had organised a meeting on discussing upon this matter..
so there's a few jawatan penting.such as chairman , ceo, human resource manager, etc.

that's who i wanted to be in this case.

start2 je nani teros bersuara..
*haihh..kat luar senyap je nohh.mai2 hg yg lead*
pewhh laa..
i'm the third person to speak out :)
hee:DD brave myself to speak even i'm nervous till death,,seriusly i'm so nervous....!
nasib baik pagi tuu minum air aura mummy so ..
hehe... energetic gile ahh XD

actually,ida yg kasik idea untuk menubuhkan sebuah restoran..disebabkan aku ade pengalaman working at a fast food restaurant which is i quickly agree with her idea :D

just speak out and spill them all baby ~

so the random question wasn't on me..but i'd still wanna talk..
the question is..

what if mara didn't give us the loan that we intended to have..what would U cut short on ur expenses..

well,soalan ni mmg unexpected..sbb kitorunk dh bincang dgn bajet kalau dapat mara punye pinjaman sebanyak rm 4o0 oo0..huhuu..

i said..
we should'n hire expert worker..but experienced worker instead..

then one of the interviewer asked me..
expert worker is an experienced worker..


i suggested that we should pay the worker according to hours..sucj as rm3.5 per hour..
or according to the profits that they made..haha...

then the interviewer ask me again..

who will want to go after this salary..they will probably looking after another restaurant...

i answered *confidently*

well,i've been working in KFC about three months.and i heard that even the youngster who have been graduated from top university come looking for work in KFC .because they needed the money and they will do anything to gain me,i don't have any worry about this they are many people who are still jobless out there :D

*smile indeed with powerful eyecontact*

 mase session yg last..interviewer akan tanya kita if we have questions...

time ni la chance untuk korunk cakap ~

aku x tanye question..
tapi aku berikan pendapat aku..
lain overall feelings bout this feeling.what i've been feeling since the morning..

i said to em..

er...actually i don't wanna ask a question but more likely to express and spill my feelings..
i am very grateful of being here ..of being interviewed..because i knew that many of my friends wanted to go for this interview but they didn't get the chance..and they did told me to do the best for them..i said that i will :)
next..if i didn't get this offer..i will never give up but instead pursuing my study in UM in pure science(sains hayat)..
if i get this MARA offer..ALHAMDULILLAH la kann *ehh ter-rojak pul0k* chill jer ~

oke good.:)
i'm the last candidate to speak ;D

my tips here for the interview are :

1.please don't potong turn ! please wait for ur friend to finish her or his shows that ur respecting of wutever he or she is talking :) and peeps....please nod on everything ur friends are talking..even korunk x faham ponn kan..belasah je !

2.please listen and pay attention to every body's talking .i do mean it..

3.please write down ..catat nota apa yg difahami

4.speak out loud and clear...don't be afraid of ur idea being rejected..lam interview ni..akuu punye idea untuk lokasi restoran di KL ditolak oleh setiap ahli..but.i handled it well .. please control ur impression..*jgn buwad muke kalat sngt hehe * chillax :DD dah xde idea..just support ur friend..and ellaborate their ideas..and the reasons why did u support ur friend... ur emotion..i know that ur nerves but hey,.jgn la buwad muke cuak dowh ~ buwad muke confident je..anggap ass if the interviewers are not even in the room..that way,u'll be more free on spilling ur ideas.... ur enthusiasm..:) ckp dgn penuh smgt..tarik perhatian interviewer untuk melihat anda ! do something i do mean it..even do some jgn buwad lawak bodoh *rolling eyes*

8.kalau tengok macam ahli group kita tgh bertekak kan .. jgn masok campor..but instead..leraikan pergaduhan tuu..say sth yg menyejukkan hati...smpai diorunk kata..yeah ryte..nmpak mcm kau sdg control situation ? haa nmpak .. leadership is shown . points given :)

9.jgn mengarah and tolak idea org lain keras kerasan...! use soft words such my opinion...or...that's good but i think that... haaa .. jaga hati org lain oke ?

tu je la tips aku based on my experiences :)
hope kalau ada adik2 yg bace nihh..dpt memanfaatkannya..
sbb aku mmg dapat offer MARA :)
iaituu ...


MY mom's choice..i think she knew the best for me..:)
in india..mayat banyak..bergelimpangan..senang nak buwat research haha
main2 je..
standard buwat medic in INDIA sme je kat UK sbb..
ade sijil MBBS :D

that's all for MARA ~


kbyee ~

Wednesday 23 May 2012


hey it's me

hahaha :)
waking up in the morning with empty moods,
oh god blessed..
at one twenty i've gained my mood back.
heh . ley lak cm tuu ?
*suke hati wa la*

put your hearts up-ariane grande :)

actually today nak share sth yang aku and my sister mmg minat :)
*lari tajuk sat*
nak tg0k x gamba die hehe XD

xnak tg0k aku nak upload gk btw .

*muke bebudak :)
miss her so much.
mmg law jumpe org d0wunk igt aku yg kakak dia haha !
xpe la en .
*muke matured*

bnde yg aku nak sharing hari ini ialah our favourite tim burton's style :D

well..i do admit that jln story dia mmg kenkadang boring.err..
tp we l0ve his dresses and themes :DD

black and gothic.

 we share the same favourite colours which is BLACK.
BLACK is beauty :)


this is just a dream if u ever think that i might wearin one of those stuffs 

law ade baby gurl t I nak belikan black dress with red polka dots on em 
ohh how cute !
hehe..berangan teruk nihhh . suke hati laaaa ! *tounge out*
haha *gelak sorunk2*

semalam ade beli few things :)
n0vel nicholas sparks.
well,nadiah ishak yg suggest so , beli je laaa hoho !
and ..

a l0ng sleeve t shirt :)
i called it boogey shirt.
aku n deeha law kluar mmg pebret la nak beli boogey shirt ni :) 

semalam mmg xleh lupe laa lam sejarah.
otw balik ke ipoh lpas hanta leesa...
d0k gelak besaw law kete deeha !

punye la celoteh smpai deeha terlepas stereng ! budak ni la XD
gelak sbb bile naik bumper tuu hiyaaakk mcm naik unta !
kitowunk pon ape g lpas naik je bumper gelak HAHAHA HAHAHA !
ntah pape..seb baik la kami sampai ngan selamatnya :)

xleh bla dok lam kete tuu dok gelak pasai kbaii ~ kfine ~
aku ngn zaim d0k buwat rentak law nak sebot mnde2 tuuu.
*cam bap0k pon ade*
lagik satu ni.........

U OLLS ~~~~ 

hahahaha ~menitik air mata akuuu :'))

ehh korunk ni memang sewel kann !
aku pon laaa :D

*mate juling*

p/s : thanks belanje tutty fruity.
buwat hingar kat ctuu smpai kne SHHHHHHHHHH~

neway..semalam mmg terbaik la !
sampai cramp 
*bontot sakit* 

aduuhs , sori pjg plak entry kali ni :)



Tuesday 22 May 2012

ran out of moods

hey it's me
actually thinking of sth.
thinking bout where am I goin actually ?
senang citer..
thinkin bout my future



law nak fikir exactly..did we make the right choice or not ?
sampai bile kite takkan taw.
Hanya Dia (: hati ini sgt gelisah pada malam ini..
why oh why ?
of course bukan sbb a thing called love..
it's stupid.
if i were sailing now.
i would have drown away his name in the deep blue sea.
if i were flying now.
i would have just spit down his name.
if i were walking now.
i would have just step on his name.

tell myself,,
i want to start anew afresh :)
xnak hanky panky dahhh ~
i've made up my mind

i'm going to be more serious on my study on my life on my behaviour on my words :)
x kesah la org nak kate ape.
serious cm gile ?
haha,hope not..
seriously be matured (:

stop playin aroun.
stop wasting time on fake life
fake life is what u WANTED people to know about u when it isn't real .
come on guys,
drop em dead...haha..talking bout fake life.I'M NOT LIVING A FAKE LIFE
everyday is real
every happiness..every sadness..every laughter ..every boredom and every single second !
stop being what people wanted u to be. be a person u wanted to be (:

actually..baru lepas bace blog azwa,anwar hadi and nabila..
bermotivasi sgt . membuka minda ini untuk berfikir sejenak ~
tx korunk :)

putrinurulashikin nak bukak buku baru.
tutup buku lama .
let's repair ourself.
repair our thinking.
repair our behaviour....

why do i sounds so emo tonite ?
well, mood swings like monkey *haha* --> *gelak hambar*
tp yg pastii malam ini jiwaku terasa kosong dan sepi..

oh Allah..please forgive all of our sins and blessed us in everything that we've done..:'(


Allah,, please decide the best for me..

and i'l do my best for me myself and my folks..

oh Allah...

please repay all my folks doing.they've done a lot that i can't even repay even f0r seven lives...

thanks mom and dad .

sgt sedehh nak tinggalkan umah :'(
takut sgt nak pegi UM..



jadik jahat

oh Allah,,,guide us to the straight path..Amin :')

aduuhh penuhnye TL ni dgn tweets pasai ptptn..sori x layan ah debate ni..uhuuuu..

facebook mmg makin bosan . baguih la kan :DD

es0k nak keluar ngn geng perak united :) hopefully aku bgun awal sbb bju x iron agi. and in fact tak pilih pon nak pakai ape . sat g la aku carik baju nak pakai ~ hehe :)

yeah mood sile kembali kepada saya *SENYUM*



Friday 18 May 2012

tiring day !

hari ini pegi medical check up .
huhu .
pagi pagi lagi dah kena bangun .
aku medical check up kat kpj ip0h a.k.a specialist !
mama xmo survey mne2 clinic yg ade check up.haha.
p je la.
ni best ni kuar bfast ngn baba..
baba lanje mcd breakfast haha..padan la rushing je..
belash le fish burger ape g .. huuhuu :))

pas tu p specialist..
nak taw x fees die counting cmne ??

1) check mate,ketinggian,berat badan and tekanan darah = RM 50
2)laboratory test = RM 280
3)x-ray = RM 35
4)total = RM 365

chekik darah.............!
mom kasik tige ratus je..
adehh habehh duwet akuu kne top up >.<''
tp yg untungnyee..
nnti baba claim kat baitulmal s0 duwet tu akan mas0k ke dlm bank Islam aku :)
ngehehehehe ..

pas tuu tguu x ray sejam..
p surau jap igt nak landing..skalik mama s0h kuar sbb tk0t ade org gile mai rogol ka !
adeehhhh ..
kne tunggu mama amek k0y 12 lebeyh..
padah x de lesen..huhu..
lari tajuk sat..
pasal lesen lak..
mama s0h post pone aku nye test jpj huhu..
agi pon aku x ready..
mama kate t smb0ng blajo g skalik blaj0 auto je..:) hehehe....
tp cm rugi lak berape ratuihh nii...
huhu...sori mom :'( i do feels bad bout this..

balek balek ke tj0k asal..
kat mne tadik eh ?? *garu kepale yg xde kutu*
aku pon mengisi le mse lapang aku kat hospital dgn merayau rayau kat cafe lagak anak org kaya tunggu datuk mati meninggalkan wang juta ringgit. ehh ape aku karut ni ==''
mase amik darah..
aku tnye le dr tuu..
byk ke nak amik daraah ni *cuak cuak*
x byk...
tg0k2 penuh satu syringe... :((
dah le terkurung lam t0ilet lps amik urine test..jeb0nnye pintuu bedebah !
dah le hospital tuu mmg senyap en ! dgaq le bunyik pintuu d0k bergegaq ~ malunyeeeee......

pas tuu lepak kat l0bby ar0un 11.3o..
relax le kat kusi urut tuu..
mai mai dengaq bunyi cam ambulance..
ehh mne ambulance nye...??
nokhorommmm...kerusi ni bunyik alarm ka !!
padan la suma d0k usha akuu !
w0i igt aku muka vandalisme kaaa ~~'' huuhuuu..

then mom dah sampai ngee :)
disebabkan pkol 2 kne p amek result labs..
pegi le UO duluu..*yg terhamper*
belasah MB *yg terdapat* haha..
gemuk le cm ni..
psss *berat i 52 tinngi 162* sgt ideal unt0k modeling k ! muehehehe !

balik tuu singgah umah kawan mumy jap..
*amik collagen*
adeeehhh =='''
sembang punye lame ..

k0y 5 lebey bru smpai umah..

kemas bilik kot haha..
*quite sad actually*
bila saudara kita sendiri macam tidak mahu tumpang gembira atas kejayaan kita.
kita jemput untuk datang makan adik beradik .
memberi berbagai bagai alasan seperti penat la dan sebagainyaa..
*ayat skema*
huhu..padahalnyee..dijemput dengan penuh keikhlasann..
k *i remember this cuz i wrote it*


xpe la..mama ckp..nnti kite bce yassin malam jumaat kita kita jaa..
macam inikah dikatakan saudara ?
jangan anggap saudara sebagai payung yang hanya dicari ketika hujan..
sehingga terlupa bahawa payung itu  juga diperlukan ketika terinya mentari.....

lpas maghrib
p mydin baru :P

gila crowded !

i need this much of space pehlissss !
sempat jumpe my first crush mse primary school..huhuu :'(
kbaii.--> to him for a long time ago

dat's all for today..
and i feels so tired and exhausted today ..
here's a few pic :)

almost fifty actually haha :P
my mum and I share the same volume of laughter :DD
 *can imagine ryte*

that's all entry kali ini.
sila doakan keselematan kami ke teluk intan es0wk :)